The Official Website of Evergreen Park

Tuesday, 01 February 2022 10:43


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What is being called a major renovation is planned for the Lewis Hawkes Pavilion at Evergreen Park.


General Manager Dan Gorman says they are renovating it to make it “a more useable events centre”.


“It’ll have seating up to 1,000 people. We’re re-doing the lights, the tin, the building and announcer’s booth, new washrooms,” said Gorman. “There’ll be a kitchen with a concession and bar-area and a complete area for competitor stalls.”


He adds the total cost of the renovations is $900,000.


“That building is a wonderful, solid building that is much like the Clarkson Hall. It’s got a great base to it but it’s really tired and really needs some serious upgrades. We’re just thrilled to be able to do them.”


Gorman says they were able to get a Community Facility Enhancement Grant from the province. They have raised most of the matching funds needed but are still looking for donations.


He adds the renovations will mean more space to hold more events.


“This particular area I think will be just like Clarkson Hall. We had so few events for years just because it was a very, very tired, worn exterior and interior. Once we renovated that, it’s just booked solid most of the time now.”


Gorman says new lighting in the parking lot is already up.


He adds the hope is to be finished sometime between the Agri-Show and Stompede next year.


Read 1522 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 February 2022 10:47