The Official Website of Evergreen Park

Monday, 03 April 2017 22:12

All Pro Tarp Auction Held

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The All Pro Canadian Chuckwagon and Chariot Association held its tarp auction for the Grande Prairie Stompede and Teepee Creek Stampede on March 29 at JP Outpost in Clairmont.

This year’s Stompede (May 31-June 4) is the first stop on the association’s circuit. The highest selling tarp went to Garry Thiel (Nightcap Industies/Urban Underground).

Total sales for the Stompede was $60,050 and average tarp sale was $1,876.

The Teepee Creek Stampede is July 13-16.

Jack Stott, who won at the Stampede last year, had the highest selling tarp, which went to Wilmar Drywall.

Stampede tarp sales totalled $44,950 with the average tarp sale being $1,404.

There are 32 drivers this year: Lee Adamson, Curtis Hogg, Keith Wood, Cole Adamson, Louis Johner, Brian Cardinal, Kolton Thiel, Garry Thiel, Neil Salmond, Curtis Wood, Lanny Wood, Wade Salmond, Calvin Rowan, Linda Shippelt-Hubl, Chris Arcand, Larry Arcand, Marvin Hubl, Barrie Lanktree, Herb Arcand, Gary Salmond, Kevin Desjarlais, Preston Faithful, Philip Arcand, Wacey Hogg, Rene Salmond, Albert Whiskeyjack, Brian L’Henaff, Junior Whiskeyjack, Robin Arcand, John McRae, Ryan Arcand and Colby Arcand.

For more information, visit:

Read 4919 times Last modified on Monday, 03 April 2017 22:13