The Official Website of Evergreen Park

Friday, 06 October 2023 11:02


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The signage will be going up soon. And when it’s completed it will read: Neil’s RV Campground @ Evergreen Park.

The local RV service and repair company has taken over the naming rights for the camping facility at Evergreen Park – which started out as Stompede Campground and had been McGoverns RV & Marine Campground for the last several years.

The agreement with Neil’s is for five years. The company is owned by Jenn and Neil Dawe.


“Neil's RV decided to take on the naming rights at the campground because we feel it will be a good fit with our business model of progressing the camping lifestyle and encouraging more people to experience the outdoors,” Neil said. “When we first met campground manager Owen Terry, and his wife Velma, we were happy to see their excitement of bringing us on as sponsors of the campground and discussing what opportunities we can create to enhance the profile at the Park.”


Owen and Velma appreciate the hands-on approach Neil’s is planning.


“Velma and I are excited and look forward to having the Dawes and Neil's RV as sponsor of the campground,” Owen said. “The Dawes’ enthusiasm and approach about campground sponsorship will help make Neil's RV Campground @ Evergreen Park a place camper wants to visit.”


Jenn says Neil’s would like to be involved in social days at the Park where campers would be encouraged to get out and meet their neighbors with events like a poker rally, potluck nights, chili cook-offs and more.


 “We have also discussed potential seminars at the park on taking care of your RV or how-to sessions like winterizing and using and storing your RV,” she said.


 The campground is open from May 1 to September 30, but campers interested in booking for the 2024 season and one of the 70-plus camping sites can do so online through the Evergreen Park website at


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